March 18, 2014

Bring on the Chemo Cocktail Royale oh dear ones at the Chemo Zone. It really is a cocktail you know. They take you med by med and tell you what it is for, give it to you very slowly the first round so as to avoid any sudden nasty reactions. It takes 4-6 hours the first time, always with a Oncologist just around the corner.  My Oncologists name is Nathan Rich. He is cool, he is smart, he is real, he has no ego and he comes HIGHLY recommended and I like him alot.  He waited until I was all the way, (well as well as can be expected) to start my Chemo.  It is most important to start withing 8 weeks of surgery and I am starting at 7 so I don't feel like a loser or anything for not starting sooner. I couldn't anyway. He and his team of lovely nurses and staff have done everything possible to get me ready for this in every way.  My port was accessed yesterday, that means its hooked up and ready to roll. I love my port, it is an absolute lifesaver and saver of pain and veins and ohhh so much already.  My port has a name, her name is Penelope.  I have a little corner on my surgical site, I have an expander in, its like a hyper-tytanium implant, ok, its more like canvas, anyway everything is round except this little corner and it makes me grin everyweek when I go in for my little drainage procedure to see it just bug CRAP out of him. His name is Mark Jensen, just another one of my team of Hero's.
Anyway he always says, "We'll take care of that later" but you can see the perfectionism in him just oozing out, poor guy.  So this little corner also has a name and this HIGHLY amused my sort of quiet surgeon. Her name is Marla, (named graciously after Marla Hootch in "A league of their own" sort of out of place but turns out "Two thumbs up!". Glad I could make him laugh. He is also just the best, as is his office staff.

I expect this will be a ride. I expect I won't love it, I am a little nervous, but this business is the business of curing.  I refuse to think of Chemo as poison. It is medicine. I think of tiny flowers with big bad mouths flowing down my veins and "doing their worst" which is their best.

Till later my peeps, thanks for reading. Peace out.


  1. I alternate between being button-busting proud of you, and wanting to be like you when I grow up. I admire your honesty (always have. why do you think we became friends in the first place!) You know how to face a situation head on and handle it. You know how to do hard things. You are positive without being sickeningly, Pollyanna, too-much-sugar sweet. You make me laugh and you make me feel better. All of these traits are coming together to make you the most prepared and all-time champion chemo receiver ever. I hope you can feel me and a thousand other people trying to turn the tables and be the ones make you feel better. You have created a great village for yourself sister and now is the time for you to reap some of the benefits from that. Believe me when I say, candles are being lit for you everywhere! You will march through this like you have done everything else that has come your way. You will always be you, and I am thankful for that.

  2. You are incredible! ! I'm I can't imagine what you must be going through. Still thinking and praying for you. Love reading your posts.
