March 1, 2014

It is late. I am all cozy in my bed with my buddy snoring away beside me.  I am ok with snoring now. I am also all hooked up to my night time buddy, called Oxygen.  Tonight before the drugs kick in it is imperative that I write a bit of what I have been feeling about big kids. Not the little gooey, chubby, warm kisses, jelly covered kind, which are all divine, but you know, those kids grow up, and they are no less extraordinary.  They are who God gives you in return for all those zillions of sleepless nights, barf clean-ups that go from one side of the bathroom to the other, the worries, the sassing, the chasing the sasser down and whacking them one, the endless trips to and from everywhere until they drive, the "I don't really like that kid" lectures, the calls from the school, good or bad and on and on. These are the kids who were ages one to twelve, who are now fifteen to twenty-seven. These are the kids who climbed right into the trenches with me through an awful illness. They all had their own ways of dealing with me. No two the same at all yet all of them saved me. They saved my sanity and still do. They remind me that I have faith when I forget what the word even means. They know how much to push without pushing to hard. They are the best huggers and kissers and they are my reward.  I love my grand-kids like crazy, but they didn't 'go to the mats' with me like my Five.  I have been home from the hospital for ten days and they expect nothing of me. They have patience when I don't. They love me when I am irrational and crying and sure someone will make me go back to the hospital. They are able to see the big picture when it is too big for me to glance at. They say there is nothing stronger than a Mothers love, I beg to differ.


  1. Oh Joanna, your kids are pretty awesome, but I guess it also helps they have an awesome mom. And really, how would I even survive without Holly these days.

    Plus, I needed to hear this today, as Miles was brought to me again during primary class. Sometimes I think I will never survive these days, but then things like this remind me that I will and I will probably even miss it a little bit.

  2. Mom, what you don't see is that we learned this from you. I have said so many things over the past month that make me think "I sound just like my mother!" You taught us how to take care of each other. I love you!

  3. AMEN!!! you are right, right, and right. Your kids are awesome and I love them (and their 'addtions') to absolutely pieces. Thanks for being
    my 'pretend sister' and for giving me the chance to love my 'pretend' nieces and nephews. I've always known they had this strength and greatness in them and I DOUBLE have known that you have it in you since we became related a hundred years ago! Thanks for sharing traditions, celebrations, blessings, and baptisms, and births with us. Thanks for giving hugs, and hope, a home, and happiness to me and mine when we have needed it. (and we expect to need it again sometime in the next 100 years, so thanks in advance!) Thanks for sharing this atrocious experience with us, even when it would be easier to retreat. Thanks for being real and reciprocal. Thanks for being 'another mother' to my children. Thanks for being imperfect, and for allowing me to be imperfect. I love you and yours. That's all I have to say about that.

  4. So glad you are home recovering. That is where the true healing begins:-) you are amazing and strong! Love you, having been thinking about you and praying for you and your family.

  5. Totally agree with Em 100%. I learned so much from you in my time with your family and I know it has an effect on the way I am mothering my brood. Thanks for sharing that there is a reward for those projectile vomit incidents. I kinda already secretly hoped there would be.

  6. Thanks Joanna! For being an example to me. We really look up to you as a mother as a friend as a cool,funny and AMAZING woman. Thanks for reminding me that being a mom is the most rewarding "job" in life.
    The excellent job you and Greg had done reflects on the equally amazing kids you have! We love your family!!!!!!(so so much)<3

  7. I love your kids, and that I'm related to them. And I have loved you ever since our days together in the newborn nursery. Just keep going one day at a time, and some day this will all be behind you. I would do anything to help you, but since I'm so far away, I'll send my kids with my love. You've been an awesome substitute mom for them, and they--and I--love you for it. Just keep swimming...

  8. Love you Joanna!! And love your kids. I always have. I miss seeing you all everyday. I love and appreciate your friend Deborah Thue. She has expressed herself so well and has expressed my feelings as well. You are one of the great ones, the true followers of Christ. I pray for blessings for you and your family every day. Diane
