March 12, 2014

Not feeling very brave. I was reading all these bio's of cancer survivors that had been interviewed, and I was feeling Super-unbrave but then I realized that everyone of them are on the other end of the fight and I have just stepped into the ring so It's ok if I'm not brave.  I also came to the realization today that i need to stop being pissed about the whole dreadful hospital ordeal because hey...prayers and prayers, and prayers work and they...the prayers and the Doctors, nurses, on and on saved my life although I thought for sure they were killing me.

Maybe I will be brave tomorrow.  But for tonight, I am goin' with my own tweaked quote: "That which does not kill us makes us wish we were dead"

Bahahaha I crack myself up! Peace out my homies:)


  1. you just go ahead and take a page from me and my friend Scarlett (o'hara) and just "think about that tomorrow". It's one of many tools/coping skills that I have in my possession. I think it's a good one to use now and then. (and anyway, I think you are extremely brave. so there! that's all I have to say about that.)

  2. I love reading your blog. I know we both are experiencing totally different things but I feel like I can relate to a lot of your feelings/emotions. Would love to come visit one day!:-) You are such an inspiration! I totally agree with taking things moment by moment & prayer by prayer:-) speaking of you are still in my prayers! Your amazing! *big hugs
